
Basic information about how deep dungeons work can be found in the official Deep Dungeon Play Guide. This page is meant to expand upon the Play Guide and provide more detailed information. Knowledge is power!

On this Page:


Each floor is composed of multiple rooms connected by halls. The number of rooms a floor may have is always somewhat random, but depends on the floorset, with higher floors tending to have more rooms. The floorset pages list the possible number of rooms per floor.

Treasure Rooms

Sometimes a treasure room will appear on the floor. A treasure room always contains four chests, and will have many enemies in it. Enemies that are normally patrols will stay in the treasure room if they spawned there at the start of the floor. If a patrol enemy later spawns in the treasure room, it will roam like normal.

Hall of Fallacies (HoH only)

Occasionally in HoH, you will encounter a floor that is one huge open room with many enemies in it. This is called the Hall of Fallacies. The Hall is actually made up of 12 individual rooms with no walls in-between. These individual rooms follow all the normal rules of regular rooms - non-patrol enemies stay within the room they spawned in, there are 0-1 traps per room, one can still be a treasure room, etc.

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Cairns of Passage and Return

Note: these are called “Cairns” in PotD, “Beacons” in HoH, and “Pylons” in EO.

The number of enemies you must kill to activate the Cairns is random, with a range that varies depending on the floorset. The range for the Cairn of Passage is listed on each floorset page. The Cairn of Return generally has a lower limit of 2-3 kills more than the Cairn of Passage. Both Cairns likely have the same upper limit for a given floorset, but this is unverified.

Each Cairn appears in a random room on each floor with the exception that the Cairn of Passage cannot appear in the starting room.

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Most rooms will begin with 2-3 enemies in them, but there are exceptions:

  • The starting room begins with no enemies
  • Some floorsets have a different range. e.g. PotD 41-49 has 3-4 enemies per room. The range per floorset is listed on each floorset page.
  • Pomander of Flight halves the number of enemies (rounded up), so most floors end up with 1-2 enemies instead of 2-3
  • Treasure rooms contain several additional enemies


Most enemies will stay within the room where they spawn, but each floor has at least one type of patrol that may spawn. Patrol enemies start within rooms like the other enemies, and count towards the normal enemy limit, but will then wander continuously between rooms. Sometimes no patrols will spawn on a floor, and sometimes many will.


Additional enemies will spawn at regular intervals. The interval varies depending on the floorset, and is listed on the floorset pages. These additional enemies may may be patrols or non-patrols, but will always spawn within a room - never in a hallway.

PotD Special Enemies

The Palace is haunted by NPCs who have died in the FFXIV storyline. For each floorset there is one or more of these NPCs who may appear as an enemy. These enemies are included and detailed more in the floorset pages.

EO Dread Beasts

“A dread beast stalks this floor…”

This message will occasionally appear in your log at the start of a floor. It means that one of the three dread beasts have spawned. These hit extremely hard and can easily one-shot DPS and healers with their normal attacks. You should usually avoid them, but if you do defeat one, it grants a 30-minute buff, a piece of the accursed hoard, and a chest.

  • Lamia Queen: Grants regen
  • Meracydian Clone: Grants damage up
  • Demi-Cochma: Grants vulnerability down

More detailed information is included in the enemy descriptions on the floorset pages.


There are three different agro types an enemy may have:

  • Sight: will only agro if you run within a cone in front of them
  • Sound: will only agro if you RUN close to them or bump into them while walking. You can safely walk past them as long as you don’t go into their hitbox
  • Proximity: Similar to sound except they will agro even if you’re walking. It is often very difficult to get around them without killing them

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Most floors will have 4-6 chests, but some floorsets have a different range. The range is listed on each of the floorset pages. There are three types of chests:

  • Bronze: contain items such as potions, phoenix downs, and most importantly, potsherds. Potsherds can be exchanged for several items, including Sustaining/Empyrean/Orthos Potions, which grant a potent regen effect and are essential for soloing
  • Silver: Can have one of several effects
    • Upgrade your Aetherpool arm or armor
    • Chest explodes, dealing 70% max HP damage to any players and enemies nearby
    • HoH only: chest may contain magicite. There are four types of magicite:
      • Inferno, Crag, and Vortex: Summons Ifrit, Titan, or Garuda respectively, instantly killing all enemies on the floor (except bosses, to which they deal a large amount of damage). Also grants a 10-second invulnerability buff to all party members; this invulnerability takes effect immediately, so magicites can be used as a panic button if you can’t get out of an AoE.
      • Elder: Summons Odin, which has the same effect as the other magicites but also one-shots bosses. Much rarer than the other types, and does not appear at all before floor 31. Note that elder magicite has been reported not to work if you don’t engage the boss in battle first!
    • EO only: chest may contain a demiclone tomestone. Demiclones are NPCs which fight alongside you until you die or leave the floor. Each player can only summon one demiclone at a time. There are three types of demiclone:
      • Unei (red): Healer-type demiclone. Deals moderate but still respectable damage; also casts Cure as needed, and periodically casts Stoneskin for a 20% max HP shield.
      • Doga (green): DPS-type demiclone. Can easily outdamage players; also periodically casts Break (10-second AoE petrify with diminishing returns).
      • Onion Knight (orange): All-rounder demiclone. Stronger than Doga and can also use Cure. Much rarer than the other types.
  • Gold: Contain pomanders - items that help you in the deep dungeon. These are detailed in the Pomanders section

Chests may also be mimics, which will attack you when you try to open them, and can be very dangerous, especially in the deeper floors. The type of chest that may be a mimic depends on the floorset, and is listed on the floorset pages. In the later floors, it is always gold chests that may be mimics.

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Each room besides the starting room may contain 1 trap. Some rooms have no traps, but a room cannot have more than 1 trap. Traps are invisible unless you use a Pomander of Sight to reveal them. They can also be removed from the floor by using a Pomander of Safety.

Enfeebling Trap Enfeebling Increases damage taken by 30% and reduces damage dealt by 20%
Impeding Trap Impeding Applies silence and pacification to everyone nearby (enemies included)
Landmine Trap Landmine Deals damage equal to 80% of current health to everyone nearby (enemies included)
Luring Trap Luring Spawns 3 enemies with agro on the person who hit the trap
Toading Trap Toading
(PotD Only)
Turns you into a toad, preventing all actions and reducing max HP for 20 seconds. Beware snakes while you are toaded, as they will use Devour to instantly kill a toad
Otter Trap Otter
(HoH Only)
Turns you into an otter, preventing all actions and reducing max HP for 30 seconds
Owlet Trap Owlet
(EO Only)
Turns you into an owlet, preventing all actions and reducing max HP for 30 seconds

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When you arrive on a new floor, there is a chance that one or more enchantments will be applied. These are mostly detrimental, but a few are actually helpful. These enchantments are divided into three groups, described below. It is possible to receive zero or one enchantment from each group. It is NOT possible to receive multiple enchantments from the same group, so enchantments within the same group will never be stacked.

Group 1:

Enchantment Description Dungeons
Amnesia Unable to use abilities All
Blind Encroaching darkness is lowering accuracy All
Damage Down Damage dealt is reduced All
Haste Weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay are reduced All
HP Penalty Maximum HP is decreased All
HP & MP Boost Maximum HP and MP are increased All
Sprint Movement speed is increased HoH + EO

Group 2:

Enchantment Description Dungeons
Auto-heal Penalty HP regeneration has stopped. This also affects enemies, which is hugely beneficial in EO when combined with a Protomander of Storms All
Demiclone Penalty Unable to use demiclone generators EO
Item Penalty Unable to use items or pomanders. Exception: you can still use a Pomander of Serenity to remove all enchantments All
Unmagicked Unable to use magicite HoH
Knockback Penalty Unable to use knockback and draw-in effects. This mostly means that Pomander of Rage/Dread will not be useful; however, it also prevents enemies' knockback and draw-in abilities, which can be beneficial in some cases PotD + EO
Sprint Penalty Unable to sprint All

Group 3:

Enchantment Description Dungeons
Gloom Enemies have increased attack, defense, and movement speed All

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