PotD 151-160

Some good news:

Imps and Soulflayers are the enemies to watch out for here.

Be aware of the wall traps on these floors.

Enemy Details

Deep Palace Shabti (Anubys)

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Death's Door Large or untelegraphed directional AoE Physical damage 400 quick, long, narrow line AoE. It will spam this every few seconds

Deep Palace Pudding (Flan)

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Amorphic Flail Physical damage 130 instant pointblank AoE


  • Caster, but also does melee attacks if you're close. Keeping distance will mitigate some damage

Deep Palace Deepeye

Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Optical Intrusion Physical damage 130 instant
Hypnotize Gaze ability n/a conal gaze attack inflicting paralysis (30s) - look away, get behind, or get away

Deep Palace Gremlin

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Bad-mouth n/a inflicts vulnerability up (25%, 10s) on random player
Fire II Magic damage 300 telegraphed circle AoE

Deep Palace Pot

Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Mysterious Light Gaze ability Magic damage 400 roomwide gaze attack inflicting blind (15s) - look away
Double Ray Magic damage 120 instant

Deep Palace Marolith

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Carpomission Physical damage 130 instant
Isle Drop Physical damage 300 telegraphed circle AoE on random player; inflicts stun (5s)

Deep Palace Abaia (Vodoriga)

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Terror Eye Magic damage 300 telegraphed circle AoE; can be interrupted. Also used out of combat
Triumphant Roar n/a grants physical damage up (80%, 30s) to self; used 47 seconds after pull

Deep Palace Devilet (Imp)

Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Ice Spikes Unclassified dangerous ability n/a Grants counterattack (magic potency 200, 5s) to self; can be interrupted. Recommended to interrupt or disengage immediately. The damage can kill you very quickly
Void Blizzard Magic damage 130 Inflicts slow (20s); can be interrupted. It only has medium range, so you can also run away to avoid it


  • Disengaging during Ice Spikes and running away to avoid Void Blizzard is probably the safest option as you avoid all damage
  • Some people prefer to disengage during Ice Spikes and stun/interrupt Void Blizzard. Make sure to disengage again quickly, but you will probably still get one auto-attack in and take Ice Spikes damage.
  • Can only be slowed with Arm's Length if transfigured via Pomander of Witching since it doesn't normally do melee auto-attacks

Deep Palace Soulflayer

Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Mind Blast Magic damage 300 telegraphed pointblank AoE; inflicts paralysis (15s)
Drain Touch Physical damage 130 instant; absorbs 100% of damage dealt


  • Caster - kiting doesn't help to mitigate damage
  • Can only be slowed with Arm's Length if transfigured via Pomander of Witching since it doesn't normally do melee auto-attacks

Deep Palace Taurus

Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Frightful Roar Magic damage 300 telegraphed pointblank AoE; inflicts vulnerability up (20%, 30s)

Deep Palace Arch Demon

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Abyssal Swing Large or untelegraphed directional AoE Physical damage 300 telegraphed conal AoE. Try to stay very near or far when paralyzed, so you don't get caught in the middle of this
Abyssal Transfixion Draw-in, knockback, heavy, or other movement-affecting status Physical damage 130 ranged attack on random player; inflicts paralysis (30s)


  • If there are several, you may want to pull them in quick succession to take advantage of diminishing returns on paralysis


Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Immune to slow Immune to stun Not weak to resolution
Infatuation n/a inflicts pox (magic DoT potency 5, 10m); can be interrupted
Deathtrap Physical damage 300 telegraphed pointblank AoE


  • Sometimes found in gold chests
  • Pomander of Alteration transforms all enemies in a random room on the next floor into either mimics or mandragoras

Sunken Captain (Fallen NPC)

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Immune to slow Immune to stun Weak to resolution


  • Rare spawn
  • Uses only auto-attacks
  • Immune to transfiguration (Pomander of Witching)
  • Dying words: Dyin' a third time... Forgive me, Diamanda...

Job-Specific Notes:

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

  • Keep your distance to avoid some damage
  • They still do a fair amount of damage, so it's ideal to burst them down quickly

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • If you're taking too much damage, move out of range and spam Harpe to avoid melee attacks and Amorphic Flail

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • Can be annoying to kite while exploring because you'll frequently move out of casting range

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • Use a potion or Bloodbath after Optical Intrusion to manage HP

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

  • hits somewhat hard, but dies fast

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

  • Can do some burst damage, so you do have to be a bit careful

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

  • Steel recommended

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • Uses its instant fairly frequently, so be prepared for cast interruptions

Difficulty: Easy

  • Carpomission can hurt

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • Be careful of the enrage when multi-pulling

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

  • Try to stun/interrupt both Ice Spikes and Void Blizzard

Difficulty: Medium

  • Annoying to fight, so avoid if possible. Not too bad if you're smart about it though
  • Heat Blast recast is not affected by slow, so another option is to interrupt Ice Spikes and Hypercharge/Heat Blast away while slowed by Void Blizzard
  • Make sure to keep sustaining pots up as kiting won't help to mitigate damage

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

  • Try to stun/interrupt both Ice Spikes and Void Blizzard

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • Stun Ice Spikes or disengage until it wears off

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • Not especially dangerous, but slow to fight because you'll have to sleep Void Blizzard or Esuna the slow debuff every time it comes up
  • Slow is affected by diminishing returns, so this enemy isn't as bad if you can fight several in a row

Difficulty: Medium

  • Magic damage doesn't trigger Ice Spikes, so keep attacking
  • Ideally use Garuda when slowed, as its recast isn't affected

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

  • Try to stun/interrupt both Ice Spikes and Void Blizzard

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

  • Stun the first Mind Blast and then mitigate the Drain Touch that comes slightly after to reduce the HP drain. Brutal Shell shield is especially effective

Difficulty: Hard

  • The worst thing to fight in this set - avoid if possible
  • Can move in close to bait the AoE for a little breathing room

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

  • Annoying/slow to fight due to the HP drain

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

  • Strength recommended

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

  • Slow to fight due to the HP drain, especially with no steel. Avoid if possible

Difficulty: Hard

  • Steel recommended
  • Annoying to fight; avoid if possible

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • It's a quick cast, but try to stun Abyssal Transfixion. Annoying/slow to fight otherwise due to the paralyze

Difficulty: Medium

  • Delay getting paralyzed by maintaining distance with Sprint and Leg Graze

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • It's a quick cast, but try to stun Abyssal Transfixion. Annoying/slow to fight otherwise due to the paralyze

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

  • It's a quick cast, but try to stun Abyssal Transfixion
  • Can either stay very close or save Hell's Egress to avoid Abyssal Swing if paralyzed

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Medium

  • Use Ifrit first if it's up, as it's the most annoying to use when paralyzed

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • It's a quick cast, but try to stun Abyssal Transfixion. Annoying/slow to fight otherwise due to the paralyze

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Hard

  • Strength or steel recommended
  • If using no pomanders, kite after the Pox and Deathtrap combo to manage incoming damage

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated


Patrol Patrol Patrol Sight agro Deep Palace Shabti (Anubys) Large or untelegraphed directional AoE ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy ? ? ? Easy ? Easy ? ? Easy Easy ? Easy ? 20K 1208 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Proximity agro Deep Palace Pudding (Flan) ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy ? ? ? Easy ? Easy ? ? Easy Easy ? Easy ? 19K 1243 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Sight agro Deep Palace Deepeye Gaze ability ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy ? ? ? Easy ? Easy ? ? Easy Easy ? Easy ? 19K 1293 Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Sight agro Deep Palace Gremlin ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy ? ? ? Easy ? Easy ? ? Easy Easy ? Easy ? 20K 1342 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Proximity agro Deep Palace Pot Gaze ability ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy ? ? ? Easy ? Medium ? ? Easy Easy ? Easy ? 20K 1393 Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Patrol Patrol Patrol Patrol Proximity agro Deep Palace Marolith ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy ? ? ? Easy ? Medium ? ? Easy Easy ? Easy ? 21K 1491 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Sight agro Deep Palace Abaia (Vodoriga) ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy ? ? ? Easy ? Easy ? ? Easy Easy ? Easy ? 21K 1444 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Sight agro Deep Palace Devilet (Imp) Unclassified dangerous ability ? ? ? ? ? ? Medium Medium ? ? ? Medium ? Easy ? ? Easy Medium ? Medium ? 21K 1491 Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Sight agro Deep Palace Soulflayer ? ? ? ? ? ? Medium Hard ? ? ? Medium ? Medium ? ? Medium Hard ? Easy ? 22K 1584 Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Sight agro Deep Palace Taurus ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy ? ? ? Easy ? Easy ? ? Easy Easy ? Easy ? 22K 1540 Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Patrol Patrol Patrol Proximity agro Deep Palace Arch Demon Large or untelegraphed directional AoE Draw-in, knockback, heavy, or other movement-affecting status ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy Medium ? ? ? Easy ? Medium ? ? Easy Medium ? Easy ? 22K 1584 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Proximity agro Mimic ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy ? ? ? Easy ? Hard ? ? Easy Medium ? Easy ? 29K 2070 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Immune to slow Immune to stun Not weak to resolution
Proximity agro Sunken Captain (Fallen NPC) ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? Easy ? ? Easy ? 29K 2070 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Immune to slow Immune to stun Weak to resolution

Boss: Todesritter

Geirrothr Magic damage 65 instant
Hall of Sorrow Magic damage 65 instant large circle AoE leaving bleed puddle (unique DoT potency 100)
Valfodr Physical damage 60 telegraphed charge AoE; inflicts knockback'


  • Rotation:
    • Geirrothr
    • Hall of Sorrow
    • Valfodr
      • Flames appear around the edges of the arena and do telegraphed pointblank AoEs at the same time. Make sure to get knocked into a safe spot or use knockback immunity. The flames explode a couple seconds after the knockback, so there is a bit of time to adjust. Flame explosions deal 70% max HP damage
    • Geirrothr
    • Hall of Sorrow
  • Bleed DoT does not stack (standing in overlapping puddles does the same damage as standing in just one)
  • The flame AoE telegraphs are buggy and sometimes don't display - stay away from the flames even if you don't see the telegraphs

Job-Specific Notes:

  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • Steel required

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • ~6m30s with strength (6.55)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • Steel recommended

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 9m30s with no offensive pomanders (6.15)
  • Steel required
  • Keep sustaining pots up 100%
  • Kite around the edge of the arena

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 6m30s with no offensive pomanders (6.45)
  • 5m15s with strength (6.45)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 3m45s with strength and 1 lust (7.16)
  • Not too bad without steel, but you'll need a few super potions and Clemencies on top of the sustaining potions, so factor in a bit of extra time

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 10m45s with no pomanders (6.0)
  • 8m30s with 7m30s strength and 1 full steel (6.0)
  • 8m with strength and steel (6.0)
  • 7m with strength, steel, and 1 lust (6.0)
  • 6m30s with strength, steel, and 2 lust (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • Steel required
  • Strength and 1 lust recommended
  • Arcane Crest can nullify the knockback from Valfodr

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 4m45s with strength (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • Steel not required, but be careful not to eat a bleed tick without it
  • Eukrasian Diagnosis can block Valfodr knockback if needed

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 10m30s with no offensive pomanders (6.28)
  • 7m50s with strength (6.28)
  • 7m15s with strength and 1 lust (6.28)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 7m with no offensive pomanders (6.0)
  • 4m30s with strength and 1 lust (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • Steel not needed. You'll probably just need a few sustaining potions instead.

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 10m with no offensive pomanders (6.10)
  • 7m with strength and 1 lust (6.10)
  • Steel not required, but be careful not to eat a bleed tick without it. You'll also need GCD heals which will slow down the fight a bit

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 9m30s with full steel uptime (7.16)

Warning Icons

Icon Description
Large or untelegraphed pointblank AoE Large or untelegraphed pointblank AoE
Large or untelegraphed donut AoE Large or untelegraphed donut AoE
Large or untelegraphed directional AoE Large or untelegraphed directional AoE
High damage enrage or self-destruct High damage enrage or self-destruct
Gaze ability Gaze ability
Out of combat ability Out of combat ability
Gaze ability used out of combat Gaze ability used out of combat
Draw-in, knockback, heavy, or other movement-affecting status Draw-in, knockback, heavy, or other movement-affecting status
Unclassified dangerous ability Unclassified dangerous ability