EO 81-90

Silver chests have significant chance to be demiclones. No protomanders of raising drop on this set.

Enemy Details

Orthos Hecteyes

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Hex Eye Gaze ability ? 360 degree gaze AoE
Death Ray Magic damage 120 instant; probably instant death to players hit by Hex Eye
Catharsis Large or untelegraphed pointblank AoE ? huge pointblank AoE; there's enough time to run from melee to out of range before it goes off

Orthos Persona

Immune to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Loom n/a instant gap closer
Dark II ? telegraphed large conal AoE
Inner Demons ? telegraphed pointblank AoE

Orthos Catoblepas

Immune to bind Vulnerable to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Demon Eye Gaze ability used out of combat n/a huge 360 degree gaze AoE inflicting petrify (20s) - look away; also used out of combat
Infusion Physical damage 110 instant gap closer; used immediately on pull

Orthoiron Corse

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Butterfly Float ? instant
Glass Punch Large or untelegraphed directional AoE ? conal AoE with late telegraph - get behind or away
Catapult Magic damage 3000 telegraphed circle AoE


  • All abilities target random players, so be wary of sudden direction changes when in a party

Orthos Deepeye

Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Hypnotize Gaze ability ? 360 degree gaze AoE
Heirloom Scream Magic damage 55 instant untelegraphed pointblank AoE; inflicts vulnerability up (5% per stack, 25s)

Orthos Gourmand

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Inhale Draw-in, knockback, heavy, or other movement-affecting status n/a untelegraphed conal draw-in
Moldy Sneeze Large or untelegraphed directional AoE ? very quick conal AoE with late telegraph; used immediately after Inhale - get behind
Moldy Phlegm ? telegraphed circle AoE on random player

Orthos Pudding

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Dark II Large or untelegraphed directional AoE Magic damage ? telegraphed huge conal AoE
Dark Magic damage ? telegraphed circle AoE

Orthos Abyss

Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Dark Arrivisme ? telegraphed circle AoE
Face First Magic damage 110 instant


  • Can only be slowed with Arm's Length if transfigured via Pomander of Witching since it doesn't normally do melee auto-attacks

Orthos Spartoi

Immune to bind Vulnerable to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Umbra Smash ? telegraphed large circle AoE gap closer on random player
Triple Trial Large or untelegraphed directional AoE Physical damage ? conal AoE on random player with late telegraph - get behind or far; used immediately after Umbra Smash

Orthos Pegasus

Immune to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Gallop Magic damage 75 instant gap closer
Nicker Large or untelegraphed pointblank AoE ? pointblank AoE with late telegraph - get away
Rear Hoof Draw-in, knockback, heavy, or other movement-affecting status Physical damage 110 instant; inflicts knockback

Orthos Specter

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Left Sweep Large or untelegraphed directional AoE ? huge 210-degree AoE to the left with late telegraph
Right Sweep Large or untelegraphed directional AoE ? huge 210-degree AoE to the right with late telegraph
Ringing Burst Large or untelegraphed donut AoE Magic damage 3000 donut AoE with late telegraph - get in
Surrounding Burst Large or untelegraphed pointblank AoE ? large pointblank AoE with late telegraph - get out


  • Rotation:
    • Left Sweep or Right Sweep
    • Ringing Burst or Surrounding Burst
  • Left/Right Sweep are 180-degree AoEs with an extra 30 degrees to the opposite side in front (for example, Left Sweep hits from directly in back, around the left side, to directly in front and 30 degrees beyond)

Orthos Wraith

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Scream Large or untelegraphed pointblank AoE n/a large pointblank AoE with late telegraph inflicting terror (16s) - get far
Ancient Eruption Magic damage 3000 telegraphed circle AoE

Orthos Ahriman

Immune to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Blustering Blink Large or untelegraphed directional AoE ? telegraphed huge, wide line AoE


  • Can only be slowed with Arm's Length if transfigured via Pomander of Witching since it doesn't normally do melee auto-attacks


Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Immune to slow Immune to stun
Infatuation n/a inflicts pox (magic DoT potency 5, 10m); can be interrupted
Deathtrap Physical damage 4000 telegraphed pointblank AoE


  • Sometimes found in gold chests
  • Protomander of Alteration transforms all enemies in a random room on the next floor into either mimics or mandragoras


Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Empty Hand Physical damage 100 instant; also grants permanent stacking vulnerability down (10% per stack, max 8 stacks) to self, unless the damage was fully blocked
Genesis Magic damage 5000 huge pointblank AoE sacrificial enrage; used below 10% HP


  • Dread beast
  • Immune to knockback, which means it will not die to the Rotosmash ability from the Protomander of Dread
  • Grants 30m vulnerability down buff (10%) upon defeat

Lamia Queen

Bind status unknown Heavy status unknown Immune to sleep Slow status unknown Immune to stun
Circle of Flames Magic damage 80 instant circle AoE; also grants permanent stacking HP regeneration to self (about 0.2%/3s per stack)
Circle Blade Physical damage 2500 telegraphed pointblank AoE
Petrifaction n/a huge 360 degree gaze inflicting stone curse (1m); also affects enemies. Used every 30 seconds when under 90% health


  • Dread beast
  • Immune to knockback, which means it will not die to the Rotosmash ability from the Protomander of Dread
  • Grants 30m regen buff upon defeat

Meracydian Clone

Bind status unknown Heavy status unknown Immune to sleep Slow status unknown Immune to stun
Hard Thrust Physical damage 90 instant
Berserk n/a grants permanent stacking damage up to self (10% per stack); can be interrupted
Allagan Meteor Magic damage 5000 huge (20y) pointblank AoE enrage; used below 50% HP


  • Dread beast
  • Immune to knockback, which means it will not die to the Rotosmash ability from the Protomander of Dread
  • Grants 30m damage up buff (10%) upon defeat

Job-Specific Notes:

Difficulty: Unrated

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! Name Warnings HP AA Vulnerabilities
Sound agro Orthos Hecteyes Gaze ability Large or untelegraphed pointblank AoE 310K 7190 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Proximity agro Orthos Persona 328K 10K Immune to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Sight agro Orthos Catoblepas Gaze ability used out of combat 328K 10K Immune to bind Vulnerable to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Patrol Patrol Patrol Patrol Proximity agro Orthoiron Corse Large or untelegraphed directional AoE 328K 10K Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Sight agro Orthos Deepeye Gaze ability 310K 6643 Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Patrol Patrol Patrol Proximity agro Orthos Gourmand Large or untelegraphed directional AoE Draw-in, knockback, heavy, or other movement-affecting status 344K 11K Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Sight agro Orthos Pudding Large or untelegraphed directional AoE 310K 10K Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Sight agro Orthos Abyss 344K 6782 Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Sight agro Orthos Spartoi Large or untelegraphed directional AoE 328K 10K Immune to bind Vulnerable to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Sight agro Orthos Pegasus Draw-in, knockback, heavy, or other movement-affecting status Large or untelegraphed pointblank AoE 344K 5857 Immune to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Patrol Patrol Patrol Patrol Proximity agro Orthos Specter Large or untelegraphed directional AoE Large or untelegraphed donut AoE Large or untelegraphed pointblank AoE 328K 10K Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Proximity agro Orthos Wraith Large or untelegraphed pointblank AoE 344K 11K Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Sight agro Orthos Ahriman Large or untelegraphed directional AoE 310K 9873 Immune to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Proximity agro Mimic 458K 15K Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Immune to slow Immune to stun
Sight agro Demi-Cochma 1400K ? Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Sight agro Lamia Queen 1400K ? Bind status unknown Heavy status unknown Immune to sleep Slow status unknown Immune to stun
Sight agro Meracydian Clone 1400K ? Bind status unknown Heavy status unknown Immune to sleep Slow status unknown Immune to stun

Boss: Administrator

Support Systems n/a spawns Interceptor adds. α (eggs) will do wide conal AoEs, β (cubes) will do line AoEs, γ (spheres) will do a donut AoE, all with late telegraphs. The timing of these is determined by the boss's next move. See rotation for more details
Interception Sequence n/a places 1/2/3 markers on the adds to indicate the order they will fire in
Parallel Execution n/a causes adds in each set to fire one at a time from left to right while 5 consecutive circle AoEs also appear on players
Salvo Script n/a orders all adds to fire at once
Peripheral Lasers Magic damage 2000? telegraphed donut AoE
Cross Lasers Magic damage 2000 cross AoE (lines through front-back and sides) - get to corners (oriented with boss/animation)
Laserstream Magic damage 500 roomwide AoE
Aetherochemical Laser (adds) Magic damage 750 AoE with late telegraph; shape varies with add (see rotation)


  • Rotation:
    • Support Systems; spawns:
      • 1 Interceptor α (egg) outside one side of the arena
      • 5 Interceptor β (cubes) in a row along one side of the arena, close to the egg
      • 1 Interceptor γ (sphere) inside the arena
    • Interception Sequence - dodge adds in the order of markers
    • Peripheral Lasers OR Cross Lasers
    • Laserstream
    • Support Systems; spawns:
      • 8 Interceptor β (cubes) along the north side of the arena
      • 8 Interceptor β (cubes) along the east side of the arena
    • Parallel Execution - dodge the circle AoEs while also getting to the safe side of both sets of firing cubes (wait for one to go off and run quickly into that space before the next goes off and hits you)
    • Support Systems; spawns:
      • 6 Interceptor β (cubes) along the west side of the arena with spaces beside the first and last at each end
      • 6 Interceptor β (cubes) along the north side of the arena with spaces beside the first and last at each end
      • 1 Interceptor α (egg) on the east side of the arena
      • 1 Interceptor α (egg) on the south side of the arena
    • Salvo Script - pay attention to the direction the eggs are facing
      • safe spot is always in the far corner of a single square that is the second from the corner of the arena
      • if both eggs are facing inward, safe spot is between the two eggs
      • if one is facing toward the corner between the eggs, safe spot is on the far side of the other egg
  • Peripheral/Cross Lasers will one-shot DPS/healers through steel
  • All abilities except Laserstream inflict stacking vulnerability up (10% per stack, 1m)
  • An onion knight demiclone will defeat the boss in about 6m with no player assistance

Job-Specific Notes:

  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 6m45s with strength, Doga, and 2 grade 8 tinctures (6.51)
  • 4m45s with 1m30s strength, Onion Knight, and 1 grade 8 tincture (6.51)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 4m15s with Onion Knight (6.35)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 5m15s with Doga and dread beast damage up buff (6.51)
  • 5m with strength and Doga (6.35)
  • 4m with Onion Knight (6.38)
  • 3m30s with strength and Onion Knight (6.35)
  • 3m30s with strength, Onion Knight, and dread beast damage up buff (6.51)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 6m30s with Doga and the dread beast damage up buff (6.35)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 7m with strength and Doga (6.35)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 11m with no offensive pomanders (6.35)
  • 8m30s with 1 strength (6.35)
  • 4m with Onion Knight (6.35)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 5m30s with Onion Knight (6.35)
  • 4m30s with strength and Onion Knight (6.35)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 6m30s with Doga and the dread beast damage up buff (6.35)
  • 5m45s with strength, Doga, and the dread beast damage up buff (7.16)
  • 4m15s with strength and Onion Knight (6.35)

Warning Icons

Icon Description
Large or untelegraphed pointblank AoE Large or untelegraphed pointblank AoE
Large or untelegraphed donut AoE Large or untelegraphed donut AoE
Large or untelegraphed directional AoE Large or untelegraphed directional AoE
High damage enrage or self-destruct High damage enrage or self-destruct
Gaze ability Gaze ability
Out of combat ability Out of combat ability
Gaze ability used out of combat Gaze ability used out of combat
Draw-in, knockback, heavy, or other movement-affecting status Draw-in, knockback, heavy, or other movement-affecting status
Unclassified dangerous ability Unclassified dangerous ability