
On this Page:

General Tips

  • Fight in safe places - hallways and rooms that have been cleared
  • Always be on the lookout for patrols
    • Be careful opening chests if there are patrols coming in case of mimics
  • Never open a silver chest with low HP
  • Try to open chests before the exit is open. That way, Mimics will at least help to open the exit
  • If you’re planning to use a Pomander of Rage or Petrification, or Magicite, try to check chests first in-case of Mimics
  • Know when NOT to open chests - usually this boils down to whether you can handle a Mimic, and have time to do so
    • e.g. you’ve used magicite to clear a floor that has Item Penalty and Amnesia enchantments. If you get a Mimic, you will probably need to use a Serenity and/or other pomanders to survive
  • Be as efficient with your time as possible
    • Always be fighting when possible
    • Kill something weaker while you wait for cooldowns to kill something stronger
    • Explore or make your way toward the exit while fighting if possible
    • Watch for nearby enemy movement while fighting, so you know when it’s safe to run through a room
  • First priority in hard levels is clearing a path to the exit. Skip chests if they’re going to cost too much time or are too risky
  • Patrols and proximity agro enemies are usually best to take out first as they can cause a lot of trouble and really get in your way

Make sure to check out the Pomanders section for additional tips related to pomander usage.

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See Traps in the Knowledge section for information on the trap types and icons. As for dealing with them:

Avoid Them

This usually means hugging the walls, as traps are usually not against the walls. There are exceptions, however… See Wall Traps.

Survive Them

  • Transformation Traps (toad/otter/owlet): Hopefully you aren’t fighting anything. If you are, try to kite, dodge around corners, etc… Stay away from snakes if you’re toaded!
  • Luring: Not good in the deeper floors!
    • Only the person who hit the trap has agro, so the safest option is to let them die if you’re in a party.
    • If solo and you’re likely to die, make sure you have a Pomander of Raising active and die in a safe spot - not in the middle of the room!
    • If trying to fight through:
      • Consider popping Pomander of Witching/Steel/Strength/Frailty
      • Try not to use Rage/Petrification/Magicite unless you were already planning to
      • Use all of your crowd control abilities - sleep, heavy, bind, etc.
      • Make sure to kill the most dangerous mobs first - especially if they have an enrage

Use Them

  • After using a Pomander of Sight, you can use landmines to quickly kill one or more enemies. This is particularly useful (and safer!) for tanks. Silver chests can be used for the same purpose.
  • If you’re using a Pomander of Rage, Petrification, or a Magicite, hitting a luring trap can give you three extra/quick kills
  • If you’re going for score, the penalty for hitting a luring trap is less than the bonus for killing the three extra enemies
  • Transformation traps work both ways - if you’re toaded and step on a toading trap, for example, it’ll change you back immediately. A last-ditch dive into a room might save you from otherwise certain death

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Treasure Rooms

When you see a treasure room, the first thing to do is determine where the exit is. If it’s in or through the treasure room, you’re going to have to deal with it. Your options:

  • Fight through. Kill all or some of the enemies, at least until you have a path through the room
  • Clear quickly with Pomander of Rage, Petrification, or Magicite
    • If you’re going to run into the room with Rage, consider using a Safety or Sight first
    • Be careful not to agro too much at once when using Rage, as your attacks are not very fast and you may die before you can kill everything
  • Sacrifice yourself! Use Pomander of Raising and any defensive cooldowns you have and run through the room. Try to avoid as much agro as you can and die on the other side. This is a very dangerous option - if you die in the middle of the room, this will end your run
  • HoH only: Use Pomander of Concealing to sneak through. Watch out for Rachimonais, Mammoths, or any other enemy that hits you with untelegraphed attacks out of combat, as these will break your concealment

Consider using a Pomander of Fortune if you’re going to clear the room.

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Hall of Fallacies

There is a much higher danger from traps in these big rooms, both because there are no safe places to walk (no inner walls, and the outer walls can have traps), and because of possible fake exits. The best thing to do is remove all traps, including fake exits, with a Pomander of Safety.

Alternately, Pomander of Sight will reveal any floor traps, but won’t help with fake exits. Pomander of Concealing will allow you to test the exits - if you run into an exit and don’t see the normal transference effect, it is a trap. If you are concealed, the trap will not be sprung.

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Job-Specific Tips:

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  • Despite have the damage output on the low side, DRK has a rotation that is very deep-dungeon friendly making it an excellent job to learn and practice
  • The Blackest Night is the most important ability you'll cast. Make sure you understand when you should be casting during enemy rotations especially on the later floors
  • Landmines are extremely safe and fun because of The Blackest Night's shield. Use them to your advantage at any floor
  • Beware of using Salted Earth in the wrong spot. You may accidentally pull mobs
  • Living Dead invulnerability grants you one of the longest safe-periods because of it's long grace period. This can be a double-edged sword, so be careful with over or under timing it
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  • Always be kiting!
    • Use Sprint immediately before pulling an enemy to give yourself 20 seconds of easy kiting. Using Sprint when already in combat lowers the duration to 10 seconds. Save Sprint for tougher enemies and pull weaker ones while waiting on cooldown
    • Leg Graze gives you another 10 seconds of kiting. Try not to overlap with Sprint
    • Bind an enemy with Foot Graze to get some extra distance and also give yourself some time to heal
  • Don't forget your other mitigation
    • Use Tactician when you're going to be taking a couple hits from something scary
    • Slowing enemies with Arm's Length helps too
  • Save burst for tougher enemies if necessary. You can take something down much quicker with Reassemble Drill, Turret, Wildfire, and Hypercharge, which means it has less time to murder you!
  • Make sure Head Graze is almost ready before opening possible mimics. 8 seconds left on cooldown is close enough
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  • Hide will let you sneak past sight and sound based aggro monsters easily. It won't help against proximity aggro monsters.
  • Time is your biggest enemy, so keep moving as much as possible. Try to alternate between fighting and exploring efficiently - fight when Fight or Flight is up, and explore when Sprint is up
  • Apply DoTs and continue to kill a mob slowly with Shield Lob while exploring. In HoH, Requiescat allows you to do better damage while kiting too
  • Take advantage of landmines and exploding chests to kill multiple enemies at once, saving lots of time
  • Keep in mind that Clemency costs you uptime. Use potions and defensive cooldowns to prevent the need for Clemency as much as possible
  • Make sure Interject is almost ready before opening possible mimics. 8 seconds left on cooldown is close enough
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  • RPR's low cooldown teleport is one of the job's main strengths. Make sure to use it as much as possible to move around and cut on time
    • It can be used to trigger landmines without taking damage. Place yourself right at the edge of the landmine's hitbox and cast it perpendicular to the landmine's center (takes practice)
    • Casting this gives you a free Harpe, can be useful to damage enemies out of melee range
  • Cast Harpe as much as you can when pulling mobs into safe spaces, it has a very generous slide-cast window
  • Whorl of Death and Grim Swathe have huge hitboxes, use these to maximise the use of pomanders such as petrification (HoH)
  • Save bloodbath for tough enemies. You'll need it.
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  • Time is your biggest enemy, so keep moving as much as possible. Try to plan your fights so you can cover a lot of distance when Sprint comes up
  • DoT an enemy with Eukrasian Dosis and bring it along as you explore - but beware of enemies with enrages (like PotD Slimes) or huge AoEs (like many EO enemies)
  • Take advantage of landmines and exploding chests to kill multiple enemies at once, saving lots of time
    • Use a Pomander of Witching first to reduce incoming damage so you don't die before you can heal back up
    • Use Eukrasian Diagnosis to shield the explosion damage
  • Remember Kardia! Especially when doing multiple floorsets in a row, it's easy to forget that it falls off after each set
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  • Time is your biggest enemy, so keep moving as much as possible. Try to alternate between fighting and exploring efficiently - fight when Berserk/Inner Release is up, and explore when Sprint is up
  • There aren't many enemies that will give you much trouble, so prioritize killing things that are in your way rather than waiting for them to move
  • Take advantage of landmines and exploding chests to kill multiple enemies at once, saving lots of time
  • Make sure Interject is almost ready before opening possible mimics. 8 seconds left on cooldown is close enough
  • Time is your biggest enemy, so keep moving as much as possible. Try to plan your fights so you can cover a lot of distance when Sprint comes up
  • DoT an enemy with Aero and bring it along as you explore - but beware of enemies with enrages (like PotD Slimes) or huge AoEs (like many EO enemies). Remember that Aero also deals direct damage, so keep using it on cooldown as you move
  • Take advantage of landmines and exploding chests to kill multiple enemies at once, saving lots of time
    • Use a Pomander of Witching first to reduce incoming damage so you don't die before you can heal back up
    • Use Divine Benison to shield the explosion damage (except in PotD, where you don't have it)
    • If you can stun the enemies with Holy before the explosion, even better
  • Most of WHM's heals are GCD actions, and especially in PotD/HoH where you don't have Afflatus Misery, you don't want to be spending GCDs on healing. Stock up on regen potions like you would for a tank/DPS

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