PotD 81-90

Be aware of bomb and worm enrages. There is a known wall trap here that you can avoid too.

Pomanders of affluence, flight, and alteration do not drop on floor 89.

Potsherds do not drop from bronze chests on floors 81-83.

Enemy Details

Palace Bomb

Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Self-destruct High damage enrage or self-destruct Unique damage 70% of max HP instant AoE sacrifical enrage; used 37 seconds after pull

Palace Vinegaroon

Immune to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Third Leg Forward Physical damage 300 telegraphed conal AoE
Third Leg Back Physical damage 300 telegraphed backward conal AoE; inflicts knockback; used after Third Leg Forward if someone is behind

Palace Wamoura

Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Poison Dust Magic damage 300 telegraphed conal AoE; inflicts poison (magic DoT potency 60, 15s)

Palace Wamouracampa

Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Cannonball Magic damage 130 instant ranged attack

Palace Chimera

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun Not weak to resolution
The Dragon's Breath Unique damage 300 telegraphed conal AoE; inflicts paralysis (15s)
The Lion's Breath Unique damage 300 telegraphed conal AoE; inflicts burns (unique DoT potency 50, 21s)
The Ram's Breath Unique damage 300 telegraphed conal AoE; inflicts heavy (10s)


  • Can appear on any floor from 81-89, but seems fairly rare in the earlier floors, and more common in the later floors

Flame Dragon

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun Not weak to resolution
Fireball Magic damage 300 telegraphed circle AoE; inflicts burns (magic DoT potency 50, 15s); also used out of battle


  • Can appear on any floor from 81-89, but seems fairly rare in the earlier floors, and much more common in the later floors

Palace Gallimimus (Raptor)

Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Flash Evaporation Magic damage 300 telegraphed circle AoE; inflicts burns (magic DoT potency 100, 9s)

Palace Hapalit

Vulnerable to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun Not weak to resolution
Straight Punch Physical damage 130 instant
Elbow Drop Physical damage 300 telegraphed backward conal AoE; used when someone is behind

Palace Worm

Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Sand Cyclone Magic damage 90 instant; inflicts sludge (magic DoT potency 20, 12s)
Sand Breath Unique damage 300 telegraphed conal AoE; inflicts blind (10s)

Palace Claw (Scorpion)

Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Inspire Draw-in, knockback, heavy, or other movement-affecting status n/a instant; draws the target in and inflicts prey. Knockback immunity does not work against the draw-in
Impale Physical damage 130 used against players with prey; clears prey status

Palace Eruca (Crawler)

Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Incinerate Magic damage 300 telegraphed conal AoE; inflicts burns (magic DoT potency 30, 24s)


Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Immune to slow Immune to stun Not weak to resolution
Infatuation n/a inflicts pox (magic DoT potency 5, 10m); can be interrupted
Deathtrap Physical damage 300 telegraphed pointblank AoE


  • Sometimes found in gold chests
  • Pomander of Alteration transforms all enemies in a random room on the next floor into either mimics or mandragoras

Insentient Inquisitor (Fallen NPC)

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Immune to slow Immune to stun Weak to resolution


  • Rare spawn
  • Uses only auto-attacks
  • Immune to transfiguration (Pomander of Witching)
  • Dying words: The dragons will...rend you...asunder...

Necrose Knight (Fallen NPC)

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Immune to slow Immune to stun Weak to resolution


  • Rare spawn
  • Uses only auto-attacks
  • Immune to transfiguration (Pomander of Witching)
  • Dying words: Laniaitte... Francel... I wish you all...

Job-Specific Notes:

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • Beware of enrage when multipulling

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

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Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

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Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

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Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

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Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

  • Draw-in can be dangerous in multipulls

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

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Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated


Sight agro Palace Bomb High damage enrage or self-destruct ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? 6972 663 Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Sight agro Palace Vinegaroon ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? 7194 685 Immune to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Patrol Patrol Patrol Patrol Patrol Sight agro Palace Wamoura ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? 7194 685 Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Sound agro Palace Wamouracampa ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? 7083 674 Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Patrol Patrol Patrol Patrol Patrol Patrol Patrol Patrol Patrol Proximity agro Palace Chimera ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? 13K 1037 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun Not weak to resolution
Sight agro Flame Dragon ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? 11K 911 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun Not weak to resolution
Sight agro Palace Gallimimus (Raptor) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? 7526 721 Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Patrol Patrol Patrol Proximity agro Palace Hapalit ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? 7858 753 Vulnerable to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun Not weak to resolution
Sound agro Palace Worm ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? 7858 753 Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Sight agro Palace Claw (Scorpion) Draw-in, knockback, heavy, or other movement-affecting status ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Medium ? ? ? ? 7858 762 Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Sound agro Palace Eruca (Crawler) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? 7968 780 Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun Not weak to resolution
Proximity agro Mimic ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? 10K 1048 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Immune to slow Immune to stun Not weak to resolution
Proximity agro Insentient Inquisitor (Fallen NPC) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? 9407 922 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Immune to slow Immune to stun Weak to resolution
Proximity agro Necrose Knight (Fallen NPC) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? 9961 970 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Immune to slow Immune to stun Weak to resolution

Boss: The Godmother

Scalding Scolding Physical damage 120 instant
Sap Magic damage 400 telegraphed circle AoE on random player
Self-destruct (Lava Bomb) Magic damage 400 telegraphed pointblank AoE
Burst (Grey Bomb) Unique damage 80% of max HP roomwide AoE
Hypothermal Combustion (Grey Bomb) Magic damage 400 telegraphed pointblank AoE inflicting freeze (2s); also hits enemies, including the boss
Massive Burst Unique damage 99% of max HP roomwide AoE


  • Rotation:
    • Scalding Scolding
    • Sap
    • Grey Bomb spawns along with several untargetable Lava Bombs
      • Grey Bomb starts using Burst immediately with a long cast time. It must be killed before this goes off to prevent big roomwide damage (80% max HP)
      • Lava Bombs all use Self-destruct after a few seconds. This is a telegraphed pointblank AoE, so don't get caught in the middle of them
    • Sap
    • Sap
    • Another Grey Bomb, but no Lava Bombs this time
    • Scalding Scolding
    • Sap
    • Sap
    • Giddy Bomb spawns along with several Lava Bombs as the boss starts casting Massive Burst
      • Massive Burst will do 99% max HP damage to everyone if it finishes
      • Giddy Bomb does a pointblank AoE that can interrupt the boss's Massive Burst. It can be moved around by attacking it
      • Lava Bombs are the same as before, and can get in the way of your attempts to move the Giddy Bomb if you're not prepared
  • Grey and Giddy Bomb spawn locations are static. Locations below are relative to the center and listed per rotation (Grey > Grey > Giddy)
    • Slightly south > center > slightly north-west
    • North > slightly south-west > slightly north-east
    • South > north > slightly north-east
    • Center > south > center
  • You can preposition the boss where Giddy Bomb will spawn to avoid having to move the bomb around
  • You can preposition the boss on first Grey Bomb and use Lust to AoE it along with the boss for a faster kill

Job-Specific Notes:

  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • Easy with no pomanders

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 5m with 1 lust (6.15)
  • Easy with no pomanders

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 4m with no offensive pomanders, and prepositioning boss on Giddy Bombs (6.28)
  • 3m with strength, and prepositioning boss on Giddy Bomb (6.45)
  • 2m30s with strength, 1 lust, and prepositioning boss on Giddy Bomb (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 2m with strength and 1 lust (7.16)
  • Easy with no pomanders

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 7m with no offensive pomanders and prepositioning on all bombs (6.0)
  • 5m with strength and prepositioning on all bombs (6.0)
  • 4m with strength, 1 lust used to AoE first Giddy Bomb while getting 5 stacks on boss, and prepositioning on all bombs (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • Easy with no pomanders
  • Ignore Grey Bombs and just heal up with Druochole afterward

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 5m with no offensive pomanders, and prepositioning on Giddy Bombs (6.28)
  • 3m50s with strength, and prepositioning on Giddy Bombs (6.28)
  • 4m15s with 1 lust, and prepositioning on Giddy Bombs and first Grey Bomb (6.28)
  • 3m with strength and 1 lust, and prepositioning on Giddy Bombs and first Grey Bomb (6.28)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • Easy with no pomanders

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 4m with strength, 1 lust used to AoE first Giddy Bomb while getting 5 stacks on boss, and prepositioning on all bombs (6.10)
  • 6m45s with no offensive pomanders (6.10)
  • Easy with no pomanders
  • Ignore Grey Bombs and just heal up afterward

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 4m55s with no offensive pomanders, and prepositioning on Giddy Bombs (7.16)
  • 3m40s with strength, and prepositioning on Giddy Bombs (7.16)
  • 2m40s with strength and 1 lust, and prepositioning on Giddy Bombs and first Grey Bomb (7.16)

Warning Icons

Icon Description
Large or untelegraphed pointblank AoE Large or untelegraphed pointblank AoE
Large or untelegraphed donut AoE Large or untelegraphed donut AoE
Large or untelegraphed directional AoE Large or untelegraphed directional AoE
High damage enrage or self-destruct High damage enrage or self-destruct
Gaze ability Gaze ability
Out of combat ability Out of combat ability
Gaze ability used out of combat Gaze ability used out of combat
Draw-in, knockback, heavy, or other movement-affecting status Draw-in, knockback, heavy, or other movement-affecting status
Unclassified dangerous ability Unclassified dangerous ability