HoH 61-70

Mimics are in gold chests and cannot be stunned starting on this set.

Onryos are the worst thing to fight here, but they’re proximity agro, so you won’t always be able to avoid them.

Be aware of the wall trap on these floors.

Enemy Details

Heavenly Mannenso

Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Adventitious Lash Physical damage 120 instant
Anemochory n/a instant; inflicts vulnerability up (5%? per stack, 10s)

Heavenly Wakakusa (Seedling)

Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun


  • auto-attacks inflict stacking poison (physical DoT potency 10 per stack, max 8 stacks, 30s)

Heavenly Jubokko (Biloko)

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
The Wood Remembers Physical damage 800 telegraphed conal AoE
Stoneskin n/a grants stoneskin (5% of max HP, 30m); only used on other nearby enemies

Heavenly Onryo

Immune to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Tentacle Physical damage 80 instant; inflicts concussion (physical DoT potency 50, 15s)
Accursed Sigh Magic damage 800 telegraphed conal AoE; inflicts reduced immunity (30s)

Heavenly Iwamushi (Coblyn)

Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Shatter Magic damage 600 telegraphed pointblank AoE

Heavenly Jellyfish

Immune to bind Vulnerable to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Irritating Tendrils Large or untelegraphed directional AoE Physical damage 750 telegraphed short line AoE; inflicts stun (3s)
Numbing Tendrils Large or untelegraphed directional AoE Physical damage 750 telegraphed short line AoE; inflicts paralysis (30s)


  • Its line AoEs are quick, so be ready to move fast

Heavenly Morbol

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Quaver Physical damage 700 telegraphed pointblank AoE; inflicts heavy (20s)
Offal Breath n/a telegraphed circle AoE; inflicts many debuffs


  • Offal Breath inflicts these debuffs:
    • Poison (magic DoT potency 10, 20s)
    • Nausea (20s)
    • Slow (20s)
    • Blind (30s)
    • Heavy (20s)
    • Silence (10s)
    • Paralysis (30s)

Heavenly Doguzeri (Flytrap)

Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Seedvolley Physical damage 100 instant ranged attack
Swift Sough Magic damage 800 telegraphed conal AoE; inflicts knockback


  • Will not come into melee range if you stay away from it, doing very little damage

Heavenly Kosodegai (Uragnite)

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Palsynyxis Magic damage 700 telegraphed conal AoE; inflicts paralysis (30s)

Heavenly Chizakura (Leshy)

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Creeping Ivy Magic damage 750 telegraphed conal AoE; inflicts heavy (5s)
Entangle Physical damage 750 telegraphed circle AoE

Heavenly Hashiri-dokoro (Henbane)

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Atropine Spore Large or untelegraphed donut AoE Physical damage 900 telegraphed huge donut AoE; inflicts reduced immunity
Frond Fatale Gaze ability n/a 360 degree gaze inflicting seduced (5s) - look away
Soul Vacuum Magic damage 50 untelegraphed huge pointblank AoE; instant death if you got hit by Frond Fatale

Heavenly Shitaibana

Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Bloody Caress Physical damage 120 instant
Acid Mist n/a instant pointblank AoE; inflicts stacking poison (unique DoT potency 50 per stack, 30s)

Heavenly Penghou (Ochu)

Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Gold Dust Magic damage 800 telegraphed circle AoE; inflicts stacking poison (magic DoT potency 50 per stack, 30s)

Quivering Coffer (Mimic)

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Immune to slow Immune to stun
Malice n/a inflicts pox (magic DoT potency 5, 10m); can be interrupted
Deathtrap Physical damage 300 telegraphed pointblank AoE


  • Sometimes found in gold chests
  • Pomander of Alteration transforms all enemies in a random room on the next floor into either mimics or mandragoras

Job-Specific Notes:

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • Consider cycling mitigations if the vulnerability stacks start getting too high

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

  • Poison can become a problem if the fight takes too long

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

  • Make good use of TBN and other mitigations to negate its high damage output

Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: Medium

  • Can be painful. Sprint and Leg Graze recommended

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

  • You can avoid almost all damage by kiting these back and forth in a straight line. Get some distance when it does an AoE, then run straight through it a couple seconds later. Usually it'll do another AoE without even hitting you in-between

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • Can stun Frond Fatale for uptime

Difficulty: Easy

  • Can stun Frond Fatale for uptime

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • Can stun Frond Fatale for uptime

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • Can stun Frond Fatale for uptime

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • Use TBN when in melee range for the cleave and stun after ~3 Global Cooldowns giving you time to pull back and avoid Acid Mist.

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Medium

  • Can be painful. Sprint and Leg Graze recommended

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: Unrated


Sight agro Heavenly Mannenso ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy Easy ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? 34K 2932 Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Sound agro Heavenly Wakakusa (Seedling) ? ? ? ? ? Medium Easy Easy ? ? ? Medium ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 34K 3003 Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Patrol Patrol Patrol Patrol Sight agro Heavenly Jubokko (Biloko) ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy Easy ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? 36K 3540 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Proximity agro Heavenly Onryo ? ? ? ? ? Medium Medium Medium ? ? ? Medium ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Medium ? 35K 3350 Immune to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Sight agro Heavenly Iwamushi (Coblyn) ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy Easy ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? 34K 3194 Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Sight agro Heavenly Jellyfish Large or untelegraphed directional AoE ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy Easy ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? 35K 3307 Immune to bind Vulnerable to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Patrol Patrol Patrol Sight agro Heavenly Morbol ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy Easy ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? 38K 3707 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Sound agro Heavenly Doguzeri (Flytrap) ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy Easy ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? 34K 3231 Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Sight agro Heavenly Kosodegai (Uragnite) ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy Easy ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? 35K 3351 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Patrol Patrol Patrol Patrol Sight agro Heavenly Chizakura (Leshy) ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy Easy ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? 38K 3746 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Sight agro Heavenly Hashiri-dokoro (Henbane) Large or untelegraphed donut AoE Gaze ability ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy Easy ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? 39K 3942 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Sight agro Heavenly Shitaibana ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy Medium ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? 36K 3116 Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Sight agro Heavenly Penghou (Ochu) ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy Easy ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? 35K 3297 Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Proximity agro Quivering Coffer (Mimic) ? ? ? ? ? Medium Medium Medium ? ? ? Medium ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Medium ? 45K 5228 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Immune to slow Immune to stun

Boss: Kenko

Predator Claws Physical damage 400 untelegraphed conal AoE inflicting flesh wound (physical DoT potency 80) - get away or behind
Slabber Magic damage 800 telegraphed circle AoE
Innerspace Magic damage 90 targeted circle AoE; leaves a puddle that inflicts minimum (damage dealt -20%, damage taken +400%). Auto-attacks and Ululation will generally one-shot DPS and healers without steel while in this puddle
Ululation Magic damage 110 roomwide AoE
Hound out of Hell Physical damage 10 telegraphed wide charge AoE to targeted player; inflicts stun (4s)
Devour Unique damage 2500 instant death to players WITHOUT minimum debuff (otherwise misses); on hit, absorbs target's remaining HP


  • Rotation:
    • Predator Claws
    • Slabber
    • Innerspace
    • Ululation - stay OUT of puddle until after this
    • Hound out of Hell - get IN the puddle when this targets you
    • Devour - stay IN puddle until this, then get OUT
    • Ululation - make sure you're OUT of puddle
  • TLDR: Be OUT of puddle for Ululation > IN for Hound out of Hell and Devour > OUT for Ululation
  • Innerspace targets a random player each round. Hound out of Hell and Devour are used on the same player
  • If you take no damage from Hound out of Hell, it will not stun you. Make sure not to leave the puddle until AFTER Devour

Job-Specific Notes:

  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 13m15s with 1 frailty (6.0)
  • 10m15s with 2 strength and 1 frailty (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 7m15s with no offensive pomanders (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 9m with no offensive pomanders (6.55)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 9m30s with no offensive pomanders (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 5m45s with strength (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 10m15s with strength tinctures, but no offensive pomanders (6.28)
  • 7m45s with strength (6.0)
  • Steel is not required
  • Brutal Shell shield prevents the stun from Hound out of Hell. Make sure not to step out of the puddle until after Devour

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 10m with no offensive pomanders (6.28)
  • 7m15s with strength (6.0)
  • Steel is not required
  • After the second Ululation is a good time to use Sprint, as this is where you'll take the most auto-attack damage

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 7m45s with no offensive pomanders (6.4)
  • 6m15s with strength (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • Steel is not required
  • Consider using Divine Veil before every other Hound out of Hell to get more uptime

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 9m30s with no offensive pomanders (6.31)
  • 8m with strength (6.0)
  • 7m15s with strength and 2 grade 7 tinctures (6.3)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 6m30s with strength and pox (unknown duration) (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 6m45s with no offensive pomanders (6.0)
  • 5m with strength (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 5m30s with strength (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 11m30s with 1 frailty (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 10m30s with no offensive pomanders (6.0)
  • 7m30s with strength and 1 frailty (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 5m30s with strength (6.0)
  • 7m with no offensive pomanders (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 10m15s with no offensive pomanders (6.0)
  • 7m45s with strength (6.0)
  • Steel is not required, but you may need to use GCD heals without it

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 10m15s with no offensive pomanders (7.16)
  • 8m with strength (7.16)

Warning Icons

Icon Description
Large or untelegraphed pointblank AoE Large or untelegraphed pointblank AoE
Large or untelegraphed donut AoE Large or untelegraphed donut AoE
Large or untelegraphed directional AoE Large or untelegraphed directional AoE
High damage enrage or self-destruct High damage enrage or self-destruct
Gaze ability Gaze ability
Out of combat ability Out of combat ability
Gaze ability used out of combat Gaze ability used out of combat
Draw-in, knockback, heavy, or other movement-affecting status Draw-in, knockback, heavy, or other movement-affecting status
Unclassified dangerous ability Unclassified dangerous ability