HoH 71-80

You’ll likely want to pop pomanders of raising and intuition at the start of this set, as platinum sacks start to drop here. Do be careful running into the middle of rooms to collect hoards though, as traps are often deadly here. It’s safest if you’ve used a pomander of safety, sight, or concealment, or if you’re planning to use a pomander of petrification or a magicite. This is the last set in which you can find pomanders of raising, though they are at an increased rate.

Watch out for the wraiths’ and elbsts’ out of combat AoEs as they can one shot you if you’re not paying attention. Mammoths can also cause problems if you’re concealed.

There are a lot of large AoEs in these floors - make sure you’re familiar and know how to avoid or stop them.

Floors 71-73 are known to have a lot of landmines. Tanks especially can use pomander of sight on these floors to take advantage of this.

Be aware of the wall trap on these floors.

Enemy Details

Heavenly Shikubi (Bomb)

Immune to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Hypothermal Combustion Magic damage 600 telegraphed pointblank AoE; inflicts frostbite (magic DoT potency 100, 21s)

Heavenly Ichijama (Wraith)

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Scream Large or untelegraphed pointblank AoE Magic damage 200 huge telegraphed pointblank AoE; inflicts terror (10s); can be interrupted
Accursed Pox Out of combat ability Magic damage 450 telegraphed circle AoE; inflicts disease (30s). Used immediately after Scream, and also used out of combat

Heavenly Hyoga (Tiger)

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Absolute Zero Large or untelegraphed directional AoE Magic damage 400 telegraphed huge conal AoE; inflicts deep freeze (magic DoT potency 10, 9s)
Eyeshine Gaze ability Magic damage 100 360 degree gaze inflicting deep freeze (magic DoT potency 50, 15s) - look away
Frumious Jaws n/a instant death; used on players with deep freeze

Heavenly Noyagi (Deer)

Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Hoofkick Physical damage 150 instant rearward AoE knockback; used if someone is behind

Heavenly Okami (Wolf)

Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Sanguine Bite Physical damage 100 instant; inflicts frostbite (physical DoT potency 50, 12s); absorbs 95.5% of damage dealt

Heavenly Yuki-Tokage (Elbst)

Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Chilling Cyclone Magic damage 600 telegraphed conal AoE; inflicts deep freeze (magic DoT potency 70, 10s)
Ice Dispenser Out of combat ability Magic damage 600 telegraphed circle AoE; inflicts slow (15s); also used out of combat

Heavenly Hyozan (Ice Golem)

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Ice Guillotine Physical damage 700 telegraphed conal AoE; inflicts knockback

Heavenly Mammoth

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Wooly Inspiration Draw-in, knockback, heavy, or other movement-affecting status n/a telegraphed narrow but long conal AoE draw-in; inflicts stun (2s)
Tusk Butt Large or untelegraphed directional AoE Physical damage 800 untelegraphed conal AoE; used instantly after draw-in, but is a wider cone than the draw-in - get behind!
Prehistoric Trumpet Out of combat ability Magic damage 75 huge untelegraphed pointblank AoE; only used out of combat


  • Be careful near mammoths when you've used a Pomander of Concealment, as Prehistoric Trumpet will break the effect

Heavenly Tofu (Pudding)

Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Blizzard Magic damage 100 used frequently in addition to melee auto-attacks
Golden Tongue n/a grants magic damage up (50%, 30s) to self


  • Does not make an effort to come into melee range unless Golden Tongue is interrupted

Heavenly Jujishi (Griffin)

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Freefall Physical damage 500 telegraphed circle AoE jump attack - can also auto-attack during the jump
Golden Talons Physical damage 130 instant
Winds of Winter High damage enrage or self-destruct Magic damage 400 telegraphed huge pointblank AoE; inflicts windburn (magic DoT potency 20, 30s); can be LoSed. If this attack hits, it grants haste (25s) to the Jujishi, making Freefall an almost instant cast


  • Rotation:
    • Freefall (immediately when pulled)
    • Golden Talons x3
    • Freefall
    • Winds of Winter - Be ready to stun or LoS

Heavenly Shiro-Jishi (Lion)

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Pounce Physical damage 130 instant
Cry Large or untelegraphed pointblank AoE Magic damage 500 large telegraphed pointblank AoE

Heavenly Yak (Buffalo)

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Khoomii Draw-in, knockback, heavy, or other movement-affecting status n/a draws players in and inflicts an extreme heavy debuff (10s); used 30 seconds after pull; can use knockback immunity
Horrisonous Blast Large or untelegraphed pointblank AoE Magic damage 450 large telegraphed pointblank AoE; inflicts paralysis (30s); can be interrupted. Used immediately after Khoomii

Heavenly Yuki-Otoko (Yeti)

Immune to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Frozen Mist Large or untelegraphed directional AoE Magic damage 500 telegraphed huge conal AoE; inflicts deep freeze (magic DoT potency 10, 10s). Deals double damage to frozen players
Northerlies High damage enrage or self-destruct Magic damage 400 telegraphed huge pointblank AoE; inflicts deep freeze (magic DoT potency 10, 10s); can be interrupted or LoSed. Used 21 seconds after pull, then at 50-second intervals

Quivering Coffer (Mimic)

Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Immune to slow Immune to stun
Malice n/a inflicts pox (magic DoT potency 5, 10m); can be interrupted
Deathtrap Physical damage 300 telegraphed pointblank AoE


  • Sometimes found in gold chests
  • Pomander of Alteration transforms all enemies in a random room on the next floor into either mimics or mandragoras

Job-Specific Notes:

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • Stun Hypothermal Combustion for uptime

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • Interrupt Scream for uptime

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • Interrupt Scream for uptime

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • Interrupt Scream for uptime

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

  • A good time to use TBN is as the Eyeshine cast finishes

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

  • Painful, but its abilities give you time to recover
  • Use Sprint after Eyeshine if needed rather than before pull, as you need to be close for Absolute Zero. Stay close enough for the next one too though!

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Medium

  • Can be painful if you're getting hit a lot. Make use of Sprint, Leg Graze, and Foot Graze as needed.

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • Never casts, so open with TBN when in melee range

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Hard

  • Steel required
  • Avoid if possible

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy if you can LoS Blizzard well

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy (IF you LoS well)

  • Keep at a distance and LoS casts to take no damage
  • Do not interrupt Golden Tongue, or it will come into melee range

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

  • Make sure to interrupt Golden Tongue

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • Make sure to interrupt Golden Tongue

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • A good time to use TBN is after the first Freefall

Difficulty: Medium

  • Use a defensive cooldown after the first Freefall

Difficulty: Hard

  • Try to bait the first Freefall so you can still be in range to DPS while it casts
  • Steel or frailty recommended; have sprint and heals ready otherwise

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

  • Use a defensive cooldown after the first Freefall

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

  • Use a defensive cooldown after the first Freefall

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • Stun Cry for uptime

Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: Hard

  • Steel or frailty recommended
  • These hit almost as hard as griffins, but do less AoE, so you don't get much time to recover

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

  • Stun Cry for uptime

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • Stun Cry for uptime

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Medium

  • More dangerous with Amnesia as you lose knockback immunity, interrupt, AND burst. Not sure if Horrisonous Blast can be LoS'd

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

  • Save interrupt for Northerlies

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Medium

  • Need to stay close to dodge all the conals

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Unrated

Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: Unrated


Sight agro Heavenly Shikubi (Bomb) ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy Easy ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? 48K 4323 Immune to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Proximity agro Heavenly Ichijama (Wraith) Out of combat ability Large or untelegraphed pointblank AoE ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy Easy ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? 49K 4535 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Patrol Patrol Patrol Patrol Sight agro Heavenly Hyoga (Tiger) Large or untelegraphed directional AoE Gaze ability ? ? ? ? ? Medium ? Medium ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? 53K 5043 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Sight agro Heavenly Noyagi (Deer) ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy Medium ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? 48K 4325 Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Sight agro Heavenly Okami (Wolf) ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? Hard ? ? ? Medium ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Medium ? 49K 3963 Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Sight agro Heavenly Yuki-Tokage (Elbst) Out of combat ability ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy Easy ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? 49K 4427 Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Patrol Patrol Patrol Sight agro Heavenly Hyozan (Ice Golem) ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy Easy ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? 52K 4829 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Sight agro Heavenly Mammoth Large or untelegraphed directional AoE Out of combat ability Draw-in, knockback, heavy, or other movement-affecting status ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy Medium ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? 51K 4252 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Sight agro Heavenly Tofu (Pudding) ? ? ? ? ? Easy* ? Easy* ? ? ? Medium ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? 49K 4418 Vulnerable to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Proximity agro Heavenly Jujishi (Griffin) High damage enrage or self-destruct ? ? ? ? ? Easy Medium Hard ? ? ? Medium ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Medium ? 53K 4535 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Patrol Patrol Patrol Patrol Sight agro Heavenly Shiro-Jishi (Lion) Large or untelegraphed pointblank AoE ? ? ? ? ? Easy Medium Hard ? ? ? Medium ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? 52K 4353 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Sight agro Heavenly Yak (Buffalo) Draw-in, knockback, heavy, or other movement-affecting status Large or untelegraphed pointblank AoE ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy Medium ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? 53K 5057 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Immune to stun
Sight agro Heavenly Yuki-Otoko (Yeti) Large or untelegraphed directional AoE High damage enrage or self-destruct ? ? ? ? ? Easy Easy Medium ? ? ? Easy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Easy ? 53K 4728 Immune to bind Vulnerable to heavy Vulnerable to sleep Vulnerable to slow Vulnerable to stun
Proximity agro Quivering Coffer (Mimic) ? ? ? ? ? Medium Medium Medium ? ? ? Medium ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Medium ? 53K 6554 Immune to bind Immune to heavy Immune to sleep Immune to slow Immune to stun

Boss: Kajigakaka

Heavensward Howl Magic damage 250 telegraphed conal AoE; inflicts deep freeze (magic DoT potency 50, 18s)
Ecliptic Bite Physical damage 100 instant gap closer; instant death to players with deep freeze
Lunar Cry Magic damage 100 roomwide AoE


  • Rotation:
    • Heavensward Howl
    • Eclipse Bite
    • Summons ice chunks that will explode in a large untelegraphed pointblank AoE if hit by the icicle, other exploding chunks, or Lunar Cry
    • Icicle appears on one side of the arena with telegraphed circle AoE, then does a telegraphed line AoE shooting across the platform
    • Lunar Cry
    • Eclipse Bite

Job-Specific Notes:

  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 11m45s with 1 strength (6.0)
  • 9m15s with 2 strength and 2 frailty (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 6m with strength (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 9m30s with no offensive pomanders (6.55)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 7m15s with strength (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 6m with strength (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 10m15s with no offensive pomanders (6.0)
  • Steel is not required

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 10m with no offensive pomanders (6.28)
  • 9m15s with 1 frailty (6.15)
  • Steel or frailty required for full fight. Can handle a little bit without, but gets rough quick
  • Will need Empyrean Potions up most of the time
  • Kite around the outside, stopping in a safe spot while ice chunks are out

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 8m15s with no offensive pomanders (6.4)
  • 7m with 1 frailty (6.4)
  • 6m30s with strength (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 6m30s with strength (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • Steel is not required

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 9m45s with no offensive pomanders (6.31)
  • 7m45s with strength + 1 frailty (6.0)
  • 6m30s with strength, 2 frailties, 2 grade 7 tinctures, and weakness (6.3)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 6m with strength (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 8m with no offensive pomanders (6.0)
  • 6m with strength and pox (unknown duration) (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 5m45s with strength (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 10m30s with strength (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 11m with no offensive pomanders (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 5m45s with strength (6.0)
  • No notes written

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • No times recorded
  • Steel is not required

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 10m15s with no offensive pomanders (6.0)
  • 8m45s with 5m30s strength (6.0)
  • Steel is not required, but you may need to use GCD heals without it

Job-Specific Kill Times

  • 10m45s with no offensive pomanders (7.16)

Warning Icons

Icon Description
Large or untelegraphed pointblank AoE Large or untelegraphed pointblank AoE
Large or untelegraphed donut AoE Large or untelegraphed donut AoE
Large or untelegraphed directional AoE Large or untelegraphed directional AoE
High damage enrage or self-destruct High damage enrage or self-destruct
Gaze ability Gaze ability
Out of combat ability Out of combat ability
Gaze ability used out of combat Gaze ability used out of combat
Draw-in, knockback, heavy, or other movement-affecting status Draw-in, knockback, heavy, or other movement-affecting status
Unclassified dangerous ability Unclassified dangerous ability